Common Ground Cowboy Church 

Common Ground Cowboy Church
Directions to Community Meeting Location


Rt. 60 West > Right onto Rt. 617 (Bailey's Sawmill Road)

Bear Left at the top of the Hill, continue to 

Take a Right on Cherry Hill Road,  go about 1.5 miles

Take a Left onto driveway (Mailbox Post "657")

Follow drive to Barn, Enter Indoor Arena, Go through Double Doors 


Rt. 60 East until you reach Rt. 617 to the left (Bailey's Sawmill Road)

 Bear Left at the top of the Hill 

Take a Right on Cherry Hill Road,  go about 1.5 miles

Take a Left onto driveway (Mailbox Post "657")

Follow drive to Barn, Enter Indoor Arena, Go through Double Doors 

If you have difficulty finding the location, please call Carolyn @ 434-942-0132



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